P2 of the Week

P2 of the Week: Positivity Project Pause
Posted on 12/27/2023
This is the image for the news article titled P2 of the Week: Positivity Project PauseOur newest Positivity Project highlights will resume after our Summer break and continue all year long! 

Under the guiding principles of our districtwide initiative, the Positivity Project, the #PositivityInAction mindset is our top priority. Because of our goal to inspire students to build positive relationships and become their best selves, we invite you to follow this Positivity Project Calendar.

This calendar outlines all 24 character strengths, 1 highlighted per week. Our teachers create engaging and impactful lessons — differentiated by grade-level — and share through presentations, student recognitions, classroom discussions, and building-specific displays.

To learn more about Positive Character Education, visit The Positivity Project website