Curriculum and Instruction

Title 1 Services

Cutting-Edge Instructional Strategies

Lake Shore has implemented Professional Learning Communities as a means of ensuring that all students are reaching grade level benchmarks.

All K-12 Lake Shore teachers meet in grade level/content area teams bi-monthly to discuss the progress of individual students, the effectiveness of lessons, trends in student data, and intervention strategies for struggling students. This collaborative process allows teachers the time and resources to focus their instruction so it meets the needs of each and every student

Third Grade Reading Law

The Michigan legislature enacted House Bill No. 4822, otherwise known and references as the "third grade reading law".  The purpose of this law is to ensure that all students are reading at or near grade level by the end of 3rd grade and specifies required actions for students who are one year or more below grade level in reading.  Teachers will notify parents if they are in need of additional reading support.  

Curriculum and Instruction

Rachelle WynkoopRachelle (Wynkoop) Stephenson
Assistant  Superintendent for  Academic &  
Student Services

(586) 285-8460
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Rachelle WynkoopCheryl Agrusa
Specialist - Pupil Accounting, Student Information System, & District Registrar
(586) 285-8464 
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Rachelle WynkoopDeb Brokaw

(586) 285-8462
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