P2 of the Week

P2 of the Week: Purpose
Posted on 01/01/2024
This is the image for the news article titled P2 of the Week: PurposeUnder the guiding principles of our districtwide initiative, the Positivity Project, the #PositivityinAction mindset is our top priority. This week we will focus on the character strength of PURPOSE.

People with the character strength of purpose have beliefs about the meaning of life and their life’s purpose. They seek to be part of something greater than themselves.

Our entire Shorian Nation staff pitched in to write a combined total of 600+ postcards to Seniors who have made a significant impact on them from Lake Shore High School and North Lake High School. We appreciate our students, past and present, more than they could possibly know, and this is one small way of sharing this message.

We encourage our Seniors to visit the Commons at Lake Shore High School and hallway at North Lake High School to read these handwritten words of affirmations wall.  All postcards will be given to our Seniors by the end of the year as a keepsake. 

Every Senior has at least one, written by their favorite staff member from Lake Shore High School, North Lake High School, Kennedy Middle School, Masonic Heights Elementary, Rodgers Elementary, or Violet Elementary.

A special thank you to secretary Kim Robertjohn for collecting and organizing the postcards and Mr. Carney's Senior Leadership class for hanging them.

From all of us inside the Shorian Nation, we believe in you and your purpose in life. After all, our educational purpose is driven by these relationships.

Bonus: Wednesday, May 1st is National College Decision Day, but Lake Shore is celebrating on Friday, May 10th. Lake Shore High School Seniors are ready to make a commitment by finding a post-secondary option that fits.  Students will be publicly proclaiming their plans inside the auditorium from 9:30-11am with Wally’s and Hungry Howies! 

Double Bonus: We're in the process of creating a video where staff read their postcards to Seniors. Tissues, anyone?

Triple Bonus: Senior Zach Cardenas is creating the Senior Video and needs your help.  Send pictures of yourself from elementary school, family photos, or favorite memories to [email protected].  The deadline for submissions is April 19th.

Making children aware that every one of them has all 24 character strengths, provides the foundation for genuine self-confidence grounded in self-awareness and develops an #OtherPeopleMatter mindset.